Document Audience:INTERNAL
Document ID:I0963-1
Title:Fujitsu 73GB HDD will not be recognized during a 'boot net' operation on Sun Blade 2000 or Sun Fire 280R platforms.
Copyright Notice:Copyright © 2005 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved
Update Date:2003-05-06

            - Sun Proprietary/Confidential: Internal Use Only -
                        FIELD INFORMATION NOTICE
               (For Authorized Distribution by SunService)
FIN #: I0963-1
Synopsis: Fujitsu 73GB HDD will not be recognized during a 'boot net' operation on Sun Blade 2000 or Sun Fire 280R platforms.
Create Date: May/05/03
SunAlert: No
Top FIN/FCO Report: No
Products Reference: Fujitsu 73GB HDD
Product Category: Storage / Service
Product Affected: 
Systems Affected:
Mkt_ID     Platform     Model      Description        Serial Number
------     --------     -----      -----------        -------------
  -          A35         ALL       Sun Fire 280R            -
  -          A29         ALL       Sun Blade 2000           -  

X-Options Affected:
Mkt_ID     Platform   Model   Description        Serial Number
------     --------   -----   -----------        -------------
  -           -	        -	   -                   -
Parts Affected: 
Part Number     Description   			   Model
-----------     -----------   			   -----
540-5408-01  	73GB 1-in 10K FCAL Hard Drive	   MAN3735FC

(SCSI Devices)
Type   Vendor    Model     SerialNumber(Min)   SerialNumber(Max)   Firmware
----   ------    -------   -----------------   -----------------   --------
Disk   Fujitsu   MAN3735FC         -		       -	     0604
BugId:   4340291 - ftpd for ISP 2.0 exitting with fatal bus errors.

PatchId: 109962-10: Solaris ISP Server 2.0: /usr/lib/inet/in.ftpd 

PURGE #: P001-20072.A3
Issue Description: 
Fujitsu 73GB disk drives installed in Sun Blade 2000 or Sun Fire 280R
systems may fail to come online during a 'boot net' operation.  The
drive remains offline and the system will not boot up.   Booting
directly from this disk or from CDROM will work normally.

This issue affects any Sun Blade 2000 or Sun Fire 280R with a Fujitsu
MAN3735F system disk with firmware version 0604.

This hard disk type may be identified by running the 'inquiry' option
of the format (1M) utility.  Sample output:
	Vendor: Fujitsu
	Product: MAN3735FSUN72GB
	Revision: 0604
NOTE: Revision is 0604, the revision should be upgraded to 0704. 
To visually identify this type of disk drive in a system, inspect for
P/N 540-3048-01 and look for a label which shows "Fujitsu MAN 3735F".
Note that there is a Seagate drive which uses the same Sun part number
but is not affected

In the Sun Fire 280R, the disk part numbers can be checked by opening
the front doors and reading the part number.  The part number is
located on the white barcoded label attached to the release lever.  The
Sun Blade 2000 must be shut down and have the side panel opened to view
the drive.

When this issue occurs, the disk drive will remain offline when a 'boot
net' attempt is made from the OBP prompt.  The boot process will fail.
This condition will be exhibited less than 5% of the time.

This issue occurs due to marginal signal quality of the System Board at
the drive fibre channel interface.

This issue has been addressed as follows: 
   . Purge #P001-20072.A3 initiated a purge of all systems and logistics  
     inventory.  However, approximately 200 units are still in the 
   . Disk drive firmware patch 109962-10.
        |   |   MANDATORY (Fully Proactive)
        |   |   CONTROLLED PROACTIVE (per Sun Geo Plan) 
        | X |   REACTIVE (As Required)
Corrective Action: 
The following recommendation is provided as a guideline for authorized
Sun Services Field Representatives who may encounter the above
mentioned problem.

Upon failure update affected Fujitsu 73.4GB disk drive (MAN3735FC) having 
firmware version 0604 to firmware version  0704 via patch 109962-10.

Implementation Footnote: 
i)   In case of MANDATORY FINs, Sun Services will attempt to contact   
     all affected customers to recommend implementation of the FIN. 
ii)  For CONTROLLED PROACTIVE FINs, Sun Services mission critical    
     support teams will recommend implementation of the FIN  (to their  
     respective accounts), at the convenience of the customer. 

iii) For REACTIVE FINs, Sun Services will implement the FIN as the   
     need arises.
All released FINs and FCOs can be accessed using your favorite network 
browser as follows:
SunWeb Access:
* Access the top level URL of http://sdpsweb.central/FIN_FCO/

* From there, select the appropriate link to query or browse the FIN and
  FCO Homepage collections.
SunSolve Online Access:
* Access the SunSolve Online URL at http://sunsolve.central/

* From there, select the appropriate link to browse the FIN or FCO index.

Internet Access:
* Access the top level URL of
* Send questions or comments to [email protected]