Sun Microsystems, Inc.  Sun System Handbook - ISO 3.4 June 2011 Internal/Partner Edition
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Asset ID: 1-71-1002444.1
Update Date:2009-12-01

Solution Type  Technical Instruction Sure

Solution  1002444.1 :   Sun Fire[TM] T1000/2000 Diag Navigator Guide  

Related Items
  • Sun Fire T2000 Server
  • Sun Fire T1000 Server
Related Categories
  • GCS>Sun Microsystems>Servers>CMT Servers


Sun Fire[TM] T1000/2000 Diag Navigator Guide

Steps to Follow
Check the sc's leds for power and fault status.
Replace sc if required.

1) LED info

       Front LEDs/Buttons
O  O  O  O  O  O  O
				 LEDs/Buttons Description
^  ^  ^  ^  ^  ^  ^    		 =======================================
|  |  |  |  |  |  |
|  |  |  |  |  |   - Overtemp         LED    (overtemp within chassy   )
|  |  |  |  |   ---- Rear fault       LED    (rear FRU displays led    )
|  |  |  |  |				     (fault with power supply, )
|  |  |  |  |                                (dsk_drv_fan,	       )
|  |  |  |  |				     (*T2000 only/rear_blower* )
|  |  |  |   ------- Front fault      LED    (errors for fan failure   )
|  |  |   ---------- Power 	     Button  (power on/off button      )
|  |   ------------- Power OK 	      LED    (transitions as:          )
|  |                                         (slow   blink = power on  )
|  |					     (fast   blink = post start)
|  | 					     (steady blink = post done )
|   ---------------- Service          LED    (hardware fault           )
------------------- Locator 	  LED/Button (also displayed on rear   )
      Rear LEDs/Button
    O  O  O
				 LEDs/Buttons Description
^  ^  ^   			 =======================================
|  |  |
|  |   --------- Power OK 	      LED    (transitions as:          )
|  |                                     (slow   blink = power on  )
|  | 				     (fast   blink = post start)
|  | 				     (steady blink = post done )
|   ------------ Service          LED    (hardware fault           )
--------------- Locator 	  LED/Button (also displayed on front  )

2) sc Acess Serial Network
| --------------------------- -----------------------------
| script <accesslog.txt> script <accesslog.txt>
| (use serial management port) (use network management port)
| tip hardwire telnet <sc_IP>
| Network setting unknown
| -----------------------
| tip hardwire
| showsc (all variable displayed)
| shownetwork (network variables displayed)
| setupsc (review/edit variables)
| (resetsc required)
| setsc <var> (edit variable)
| (resetsc required)
| showsc version (alom, sc, & obp firmware ver)
|--> up (normal state as soon as power is supplied to power supply)
| (sc> login: (admin=root privledges) )
--> down (problem: )
| ( * access method )
| ( * no power )
| ( * major FRU problem)
--> Check the sc's leds for power and fault status.
Replace sc if required.

     SP (top) LEDs
|  o o o o		|
|			|
^ ^ ^ ^
| | | |
| | |  -- 	MPC_NOT_OK     (on = fault with PowerPC (MPC885))
| | | 	
| |  ----	FPGA_NOT_DONE  (on = fault with FPGA)
| | 	
|  ------	MPC_PORESET    (on = poweron reset received from MPC885)
--------	3.3 OK	       (on = receiving 3.3v STBY from P/Ss)

3) sc logs

Capture logs
	script <log.txt>
	tip hardwire
	consolehistory run -v
	consolehistory boot -v
	showlogs -v
	save log.txt to laptop
POST, OBP,OS boot, logs
			  --- default
			 |     	      ------ number of lines from b/e
			 |	     |   |
			 v	     v   v
consolehistory [run/boot] -[b #/e #] -g[#of_lines_between_pauses]
				   ^   ^
				   |   |
			begining --     --- ending of log
SC Event, Command logs
		      ------ number of lines from b/e
		     |   |
		     v   v
showlogs -[b #/e #] -g[#of_lines_between_pauses]
		     ^   ^
		     |   |
	  	     |    --- ending of log
		      ------- begining of log

4) sc FRU information

    	showenviroment 		(displays power, temperatures, & cooling status)
showfaults -v		(displays any faults with time stamps)
showfru -s [FRU_PROM] 	(s option represents STATIC info      )
			(displays SD - System description only)
showfru -d [FRU_PROM] 	(d option represents Dynamic info  )
	       |	(displays FD - Firmware description)
	       |	  	  PE - Power events        )
	       |	  	  PS - Power summary       )
	       |	  	  TH - Temperature history )
	       |	  	  ST - Status current      )
	       |	  	  **** SD not displayed ***)
	   SC.SEEPROM		(System Controller	 )
	   IOBD.SEEPROM		(I/O board		 )
	   MB.SEEPROM		(Mother board		 )
	   PDB.SEEPROM		(Power Distribution board)
	   FIOBD.SEEPROM	(Front I/O board	 )
	   SASBP.SEEPROM	(SAS backplane		 )
	   PS0.SEEPROM		(Power supply 0		 )
	   PS1.SEEPROM		(Power supply 1		 )
showfru -s/d [FRU_PROM] [-g #]	(g option represents group of # )
				(lines to display between pauses)
showcomponent    (all valid ASR keys & status of ASR database displayed)
enablecomponent   (enables blacklisted components		   )
		  (reset required for changes to take affect 	   )
disablecomponent  (disables by placing it in the blacklist database)
		  (reset required for changes to take affect	   )
clearasrdb	  (re-enable all components previously blacklisted )
clearfault <UUID> (removes faults from showfaults command)

5) host access
|--> on sc> console [-f] (f option FORCEs write mode to console)
| host> login
--> off
* bootmode option

      bootmode	  (change server's firmware behavior while server is reseting.)
	  (no options displays: * current selected mode,	      )
	  (	     		* when it will expire,  	      )
	  (	     		* any bootscript issues 	      )
bootmode [mode] [bootscript] (mode & bootscript can be used together)
|	    |
|	     -> bootmode bootscript="<up_to_64_byte_string>"
|	                 example:   "setenv auto-boot? false"
normal	    (at next reset, regains current NVRAM setting)
reset_nvram (at next reset, NVRAM settings are set to defaults)
      resetsc	  (System must be reset within 10 minutes; else, the bootmode )
	  (command is ignored.					      )
    1) poweron [-c]	(POSTs host, "-c" opens a console)
    2) setkeyswitch
showkeyswitch (shows status)
setkeyswitch  (shows options)
setkeyswitch  [mode]
	     normal (sc uses diags setting specified with setsc command)
	     diag   (vbsc sets diag level to interactive menus         )
	     stby   (sc prevents the server to powerup                 )
	     locked (sc does not allow breaks or resets to be sent     )
	            (to server. Firmware cannot be upgraded either.    )
       console [-f]    ("-f" forces write mode to console, if required        )
		(OS will initialize based on:			       )
		(		 OBP, bootmode, setkeyswitch variables )	  

6) host info

  prtdiag  (CPU, I/O, PROM, & ASIC version information   )
-------  (prtdiag -v
  iostat   (Disk I/O information helps identify failing/failed disks   )
------   (iostat -en (summary of disk hard/soft errors with cxtxdx id)
(iostat -En (summary of disk hard/soft errors with cxtxdx id)
		(and disk's vendor, product, firmware, serial number) 
  prtconf  (Device driver information
-------  (prtconf -v
(prtconf -V (OBP firmware version)
  psrinfo  (CPU status
  raidctl  (RAID set information)
-------  (raidclt
  /var/adm/messages (grep -i | <variable_to_search_for>)
  dmesg (last console boot messages)
  Solaris Predictive Self-Healing Feature
    1) fmdump -v  (lists faults recorded by the fault manager daemon)
	   (	* date/time of error
	   (	* Event-ID unique for every fault)
	   (      also called UUID (universal unique ID))
	   (	* SUNW-MSG-ID: NAME-XXXX-XX, used to lookup more info)
	   (	* Faulted FRU (eg. FRU:hc:///component-MB))
fmdump -v -u <Event-ID> (lists fault for specified fault)
    2) (enter "SUNW-MSG-ID: NAME-XXXX-XX" error )
	   (displays:				    )
	   (	* Type of fault			    )
	   (	* Severity			    )
	   (	* Description			    )
	   (	* Automated Response		    )
	   (	* Impact			    )
	   (	* Suggested Action for System Admin )
	   (	* Details			    )

7) exit host

host> exit
	tip session	telnet session
	-----------	--------------
	host> ~.	host> <ctl>]

8) exit sc

sc> logout

Sun Fire T1000 Server
Sun Fire T2000 Server

T1000, T2000, diag, navigate, shell
Previously Published As

Change History
Date: 2009-11-19
User Name: Athony Rulli
Action: Updated
Comment: currency check, audited by Anthony Rulli, Entry Level SPARC Content team
Date: 2006-03-16
User Name: 7058
Action: Accept
Version: 0
Date: 2006-03-16
User Name: 1972
Action: Approved
Comment: Good for final review.
Version: 0

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